2025 TVE Fair Events Oct. 10th-18th ************ NIRA Rodeo Oct. 15th-18th
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Volunteer Information

TVE would love to have you as a volunteer for the 2024 year.

Membership Drive will begin July 1 and will end August 15.

We are always looking for new volunteers that would like to get involved with us here at the TVE. There are so many places to volunteer for instance, livestock, parades, BBQ cook off just to name a few. We would love to have you and we always look forward to new faces as well as the seasoned ones that have been here for a while. TVE welcomes all to come and help out at our fair. If you are new please get with us before signing up so that we can get you in contact with the correct chairman of the event that you are interested in volunteering for.

If you are interested please sign up online below . Volunteers must pay the 25.00 in order to get credentials for the show. You may volunteer without paying but you will NOT get credentials.

We look forward to seeing many new faces this year as well as our current and past volunteers. We are gearing up for an exciting new year so please join our crew and become part of a great organization.

Volunteer Registration Form

2024 Volunteer Registration/Renewal

Please fill out the below information, one per person.
Put 1 in the quantity to the left of screen to proceed to the pay window.
All forms must be completed online, no hand delivered forms

Personal Information

Committee Information

What committee are you currently volunteering for
What committee(s) are you interested in for 2024
Number of years you have volunteered for TVE
Committee Dues
Must add the quantity in order to pay
Release and Indemnity Agreement
Must agree to this agreement
All volunteers must fill out a form and must pay the fee in order for credentials to be ordered.
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