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Open Youth Team Roping TVE Youth Rodeo Entry


Must still be within age limits of youth rodeo to participate

Each participant must complete and pay for their own registration. One participant may only compete a maximum of 4 times.

Counts towards All Around Points- must declare which team will get the points should there be a time before roping begins.

Required contestant fee is per contestant not per event
Teams are not complete until both the header and the heeler have paid their entry fees. There will be no refunds of fees so please confirm your team before entering.

Parent or Guardian's Info

Contestant Info

I will be the:


Add a quantity to the events below that your child wants to participate in, for example 3 if they are roping 3 times
Open Youth Team Roping
You may only register for one participant. Fee is 65.00 per run, 130.00 per team.
Office fee per contestant
Required fee per contestant! Entry not valid if not paid
Required paperwork can be scanned in using button below Birth Certificate
Youth Rodeo Minor's Release
Must agree to participate
ALL contestants must send the following:
Copy of birth certificate
email to info@tvefair.com
This information must be received in the office by 9/15 by 4:00 pm

All contestants must check in at the registration/information table and pick up their packet. Please bring all coggins papers on any horse brought on premise to check in table. This will ensure you have arrived and we have your birth certificate, and coggins. Entering in the TVE YR gives the TVE YR permission to publish the contestant and/or contestants family's pictures on tvefair.com, TVE Facebook page, local newspapers as well as any TVE media.

I agree to the terms & conditions
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